The one I first known is 私(わたし). Either male or female can use this pronoun. I found that, it is mainly used by woman in daily situation, but sometime man would like to use it for politeness. For example, when you first meet a classmate, 私(わたし)seems to be more polite.
あたし is a personal pronoun for woman use. It is more feminine. It is quite difficult to find example on the Internet. Fortunately, I found a manga called 『あたしンち』which is a story about some daily stuff and funny case happened in a family. Since the story is used first-person perspective of the sister, whose name みかん in that family. That's why the author used あたし here.
Although わたし is polite in many situation, わたくし is even more polite than it. I think it will only use in some special situation.
僕(ぼく)is used by youngers or normal people, if it is used by boy, it shows a good image to others that, you are a good child.
俺(おれ)can be found in many manga that used by the main character. It's because most main characters are blight and full of energy. Also, they usually have a goals to achieve. This personal pronoun can show his personality. Besides, it's always used by male.
われわれ means "we", "us". It is a formal version of "us", mainly use in a conference.
Those videos below are examples of personal pronouns. They're come from two animation:
(●゜▽゜●)ノ『薄桜鬼 〜新選組奇譚〜』ch.1 and some character songs from 『Axis powers ヘタリア』.ヾ(●´▽`●)ノ
『薄桜鬼 〜新選組奇譚〜』
齋藤 一 :俺(おれ)
原田 左之助:俺(おれ)
齋藤 一:われわれ
雪村 千鶴:私(わたし)
土方 歳三:おれたち
土方 歳三:わたくし
『Axis powers ヘタリア』
The video below is a character song of animation 『Axis powers ヘタリア』. I/T/A/L/Y's characteristic is set as a "lovable loser". while other countries usually use 俺(おれ), his called himself 僕(ぼく) .
Still a character song of animation 『Axis powers ヘタリア』. As everybody knows, Japanese is very polite nation, so J/A/P/A/N called himself 私(わたし)to show his politeness.
Other than 俺(おれ), some people may use 俺様(おれさま)just like P/R/U/S/S/I/A in this animation. He is showing the imposing manner. However, I don't think it is a common usage.
In fact, there are still lots of different personal pronouns that I haven't cover, here are only some pronouns which Japanese use daily or I found it is interesting. Thanks for reading my blog~ヾ(`・ω・´)
Me tooooooo~(心)
返信削除But I haven't started the second season yet... My friend told me all of them dead...TAT
APH is so funny, it make me laugh everytime XP
Also the relationship between those nations are interesting~w