
Education problems in Hong Kong

There are two main problems in our education.

The first one is textbook-oriented. Students are learning out-dated knowledge from textbooks because those are in the exam syllabus. However, learning should not only fixed in textbook. The authority always said that students have to learn critical thinking, but they only practice it apparently. For example, model answer is even available in the subject "Liberal Studies". Obviously, students cannot learn the ways of applying their knowledge in daily life under HK's education system.

The second problem is the common goals in Hong Kong society. Most people believe "get into University" is the aim of study. People who cannot get a place in University are losers.
In fact, however, some of the jobs are not require a degree qualification but experiences. For example, chef. Unfortunately, I don't think enough supports are provided to those who are not going to study in university but want to go to some other work field.

Here is my opinion.
Education should be divided into 2 parts to fulfill different functions.

The first part is to let children have a overall understanding and skill of the society and even the world.
After that, from what have they learnt in the first part of education, they should be able to know what they will study in further. Then, education system can provide supports to equip them.

In other words, if student A is good at science, A can further his or her study in science field in high school and then University. But for student B, he or she is not good at study, B can feel free to select his or her way.
If B wish to become a designer or a chef, authority should provide related training and enough supports for B.
Moreover, government should provide subsidies to both academic programmes and non-academic programmes. All of the students who are eager to learn and well equip themselves have the right to gain equivalent supports from the authority.

To everyone who are fighting for the exam or worrying about somethings, I would like to share this song to you. Enjoy~ (・∀・)ノ

『頑張ろうよ』 feat. amu


Survey Project Reflection

Our project topic is Otaku.
In this project, I've learnt the history of Otaku. Thought the research of Otaku, we found out the original meaning of this word and the change of meaning in different period. Also some special views had been pointed out from interviewee and my group mates.

However, I know that our presentation is not interesting enough to attract people attention. Maybe we can present the project in a more interesting way. For example, some cases of different type of Otaku, such as music otaku or cosplay otaku, can be introduced.

What is out of my expectation is that, many classmates believe this loanword in HK is usually used in a negative way. I reckon 'Otaku' is being common used by many HK people and only contained little offensive meaning. People even described anyone as Otaku because they like to stay at home. Thus, I hold different view with others in this aspect.

In the future, I would like to carried out a research on the culture of 妖怪 in Japan.

I like reading book and manga that is about this topic. For instance, 夏目友人帳, モノノケ, etc.



声優 is also a really interesting topic. Sometimes, even if the animation is not my cup of tea, I would still watch it because of the cast... It must be definitely a fantastic research.

At the end of this post, let me share a song with you.
夏夕空, song by 中孝介. It is the ED of 夏目友人帳 season 1. Enjoy it.


Personal Pronoun Project

There are several personal pronouns can be used in Japanese.

The one I first known is 私(わたし). Either male or female can use this pronoun. I found that, it is mainly used by woman in daily situation, but sometime man would like to use it for politeness. For example, when you first meet a classmate, 私(わたし)seems to be more polite.

あたし is a personal pronoun for woman use. It is more feminine. It is quite difficult to find example on the Internet. Fortunately, I found a manga called 『あたしンち』which is a story about some daily stuff and funny case happened in a family. Since the story is used first-person perspective of the sister, whose name みかん  in that family. That's why the author used あたし here.

Although わたし is polite in many situation, わたくし is even more polite than it. I think it will only use in some special situation.

僕(ぼく)is used by youngers or normal people, if it is used by boy, it shows a good image to others that, you are a good child.

俺(おれ)can be found in many manga that used by the main character. It's because most main characters are blight and full of energy. Also, they usually have a goals to achieve. This personal pronoun can show his personality. Besides, it's always used by male.

われわれ means "we", "us". It is a formal version of "us", mainly use in a conference.

Those videos below are examples of personal pronouns. They're come from two animation:
(●゜▽゜●)ノ『薄桜鬼 〜新選組奇譚〜』ch.1 and some character songs from Axis powers ヘタリア』.ヾ(●´▽`●)ノ

『薄桜鬼 〜新選組奇譚〜』

齋藤 一 :俺(おれ)

原田 左之助:俺(おれ)

齋藤 一:われわれ

雪村 千鶴:私(わたし)

土方 歳三:おれたち

土方 歳三:わたくし

Axis powers ヘタリア

The video below is a character song of  animation Axis powers ヘタリア』. I/T/A/L/Y's characteristic is set as a "lovable loser". while other countries usually use 俺(おれ), his called himself 僕(ぼく) .

Still a character song of  animation 『Axis powers ヘタリア』. As everybody knows, Japanese is very polite nation, so J/A/P/A/N called himself  私(わたし)to show his politeness. 

Other than 俺(おれ), some people may use 俺様(おれさま)just like P/R/U/S/S/I/A  in this animation. He is showing the imposing manner. However, I don't think it is a common usage.

In fact, there are still lots of different personal pronouns that I haven't cover, here are only some pronouns which Japanese use daily or I found it is interesting. Thanks for reading my blog~ヾ(`・ω・´) 


Japaese Geography Project - Nara(奈良)

I haven't been to Japan. There are lots of places that I desired to visit, different cities give a very different impression to people. For example, the capital city, Tokyo, lead a hustle and bustle life, but for Nara, a city with a long history, has pleasant and comfortable lifestyle. These are the two places that I would like to visit. Here, in this blog, I am going to introduce a few spots of Nara. Please forgive me if the information is not detail enough.(っω-`。)

As I said before, Nara is a ancient city.

There are Eight temples, shrines and ruins in Nara, specifically 東大寺, 西大寺, 興福寺, 春日大社元興寺, 元興寺, 薬師寺, 唐招提寺 and the 平城宮 remains, together with Kasugayama Primeval Forest, collectively form "Historic Monuments of Ancient Nara", a UNESCO World Heritage Site. --from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

last year, Nara marked the 1300th anniversary of this ascension as Japan's imperial capital.

For those who visit this city, I believe half a day is absolutely not enough for them to see the whole sanctuary. It is because not only those temples, Nara Park is also a good places for tourist to enjoy their day. Someone had told me that, the best season to go there is usually early November to early December since you can see the beautiful autumn leaves there. Besides, the Japanese sika deer is very famous there. In the legend of Kasuga Shrine, Nara deer is the mythological god, Takemikazuchi, who guard the capital of 平城京.

In fact, those deers are the most attractive things to me!(★´ω`★)ノ

Here's come to the end of my short introduction.
Let me share a video in youtube about Nara~ Thanks for reading~(*´ω`)ノバイバイ


Japanese Writing Project 1


This is a cat chopsticks stand. I bought it from a 10 dollars shop. We can see all the words there except "ネコ" is written in Hiragana. In Japanese, "CAT" does has its own Kanji,"猫" , but the producer did not use it.

The reason why the producer did not use Kanji to represent "CAT" maybe because of the emphasis function of Katakana. Since the selling point of this product is the shape of the chopsticks stand, which is a cat laying on the floor in order to enjoy sunshine, the producer had to emphasize this selling point. Thus, the word "ネコ" should be in Katakana form so as to show its importance and lure customers.


"リラックマ" is the name of this cartoon character.

In this sentence, there are two words which written in Katakana, which is "リラックマ" and "コチラ".

As the character is called "リラックマ". It is a very famous cartoon character in Japan and even in Hong Kong. It can always attract many customers to buy the products because of this bear. So, it is important to make its name appeal to customers.
Just like another well-known cartoon character, Hello Kitty, mostly you can see her name in English because it is already a representative of the character and easy to catch people's eyes . Imagine if the producer write the name in Hiragana form, the name of the character cannot be emphasize and customers may also feel confused if the name of the character is using the same form with other words.

For the word "コチラ", which means people can check the detail here in the website. It is usually written in Hiragana "こちら". The function of using Katakana here is to emphasize the website in order to let more people to get to know their official site.


半年 日本語を勉強しましたから、日本語が少しわかります。
So, let's change to the English channel...( ̄∀ ̄*)

Japan is a very attractive place.

I love her animation and manga.
I like reading Japanese novel.
I like KinKi Kids, a famous group in Japan.

In this course, I hope I can learn more about this country.

Nice to be friend with all of you~(* ̄▽ ̄)ノ

どうぞ よろしく お願いします。